INDOOR USES - You can use this product in dark corners of rooms & closets; cracks & crevices in walls; along & behind baseboards; beneath & behind sinks, stoves, refrigerator & cabinets; around plumbing & other utility installations.
INSECT KILLER - Our pest control is great for use on a variety of bug species including ant, spider, roach, cricket, mite, silverfish, wasp, bee, hornet, & more.
OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS - Spider & Ground Bee Killer is intended for use on porches, decks, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, & other locations where these insects gather or have been spotted.
HOME DEFENSE - Spider & Ground Bee
EASY TO USE - This container is a puffer applicator. Open the container cap, aim at area to be treated & with your fingers, rapidly squeeze & release the sides of the container. No need to mix or spray. Follow application instructions on label.